According to a kredible insider named
Fate Unknown, a second story expansion &
Kombat Pack 3 have reportedly been scrapped by
WB Games due to poor sales of
Khaos Reigns.
https://comicbook.com/ga ... el-report/Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised. The direction
Netherrealm has taken with
Mortal Kombat 1 has had a fairly luke-warm reception since its release. Here are some of the most common complaints I've seen over the past year:
- the new kameo system and not being able to turn it off
- the loss of so many features from MK11 such as custom load-outs and three pieces of customizable gear per fighter
- the new Invasions mode replacing the Krypt
- the radical changes made to long-time favorite characters, most notably Sektor and Cyrax now being female.