mortalkombat1.jpgAccording to a kredible insider named Fate Unknown, a second story expansion & Kombat Pack 3 have reportedly been scrapped by WB Games due to poor sales of Khaos Reigns.

https://comicbook.com/ga ... el-report/

Honestly, I can't say I'm surprised. The direction Netherrealm has taken with Mortal Kombat 1 has had a fairly luke-warm reception since its release. Here are some of the most common complaints I've seen over the past year:

  • the new kameo system and not being able to turn it off
  • the loss of so many features from MK11 such as custom load-outs and three pieces of customizable gear per fighter
  • the new Invasions mode replacing the Krypt
  • the radical changes made to long-time favorite characters, most notably Sektor and Cyrax now being female.
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I haven’t had a chance to play Khaos Reigns I still have about a month of rehab…but from what I’ve heard I might wait for a sale.
I haven’t had a chance to play Khaos Reigns I still have about a month of rehab…but from what I’ve heard I might wait for a sale.
It's 50% off tomorrow. Could always just buy it now and download later.
I don't think they even started a new story yet. They did want to release a Kombat Pack 3 with Jade, Cassie, a few others and one more guest apparently.
So apparently the plot thickens. Another leaker named TheThiny has said that the information FateUnknown leaked wasn't correct in regards to what characters were supposed to be part of kombat pack 3. Although, he did reiterate that kp3 is still cancelled.
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