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mortalkombat1.jpgTake this rumor with a grain of salt - Harumi Hasashi, known as Harumi Shirai in Mortal Kombat 1, may be koming to the game as a Kameo fighter at some point. With that said, this leak originates from a post on model Jiwon Christine Ra's Instagram page.

"Pinch me!!! I've been bursting to share that I am the face of Harumi Hasashi in the new Mortal Kombat 1 game."

"Make sure to pick up MK1 and pick Harumi as your Kameo."

No official announcement from NetherRealm Studios or WB Games has been released at this time.
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That could be interesting.
I don't see someone posting that without it most likely being true but I guess things can always change Mokap - Laugh
I don't see someone posting that without it most likely being true but I guess things can always change
Yeah, you have to frame it as rumor or else WB gets mad.
Yeah, you have to frame it as rumor or else WB gets mad.

Ah okay that makes sense.
Ah okay that makes sense.
That's why I never front page anything about leaks. You get blacklisted. Since the model actually publicly posted this, I figured it was newsworthy.
That's why I never front page anything about leaks. You get blacklisted. Since the model actually publicly posted this, I figured it was newsworthy.

It definitely is newsworthy.
The fact that she name dropped Harumi speaks volumes Mokap - Laugh
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