mk11.jpgNetherRealm Studios has released two new renders of Raiden and Shao Kahn on its official Mortal Kombat social media channels.

Both characters are shown holding their iconic weapons. Could weapon kombat be playing a larger role in Mortal Kombat 11?
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Shao Kahn looks so badass.
Shao Kahn looks so badass.
Agreed. I'm loving the new dragon(?) like details on his arms, and looks like his feet too.

I always thought it was kind of silly that Shao Kahn looked like just some big musclebound dude with a helmet on.
Agreed. I'm loving the new dragon(?) like details on his arms, and looks like his feet too.

Fuzz, do you think Shao Kahn mixed his DNA with the Dragon King or do you think this is the Shao Kahn from the original timeline after his victory from Armageddon.
Fuzz, do you think Shao Kahn mixed his DNA with the Dragon King or do you think this is the Shao Kahn from the original timeline after his victory from Armageddon.
Honestly, I’m not really sure. Since time is supposedly a factor in the story, what I think it might be is just Shao Kahn from different time periods, and he’s evolving/devolving. I don’t think he has the scales in the first render released. So the different gear may be based on time periods, as well.
Honestly, I’m not really sure. Since time is supposedly a factor in the story, what I think it might be is just Shao Kahn from different time periods, and he’s evolving/devolving. I don’t think he has the scales in the first render released. So the different gear may be based on time periods, as well.

Yeah, I didn't think about that there are more than just the two time periods that we saw. I'm excited and hyped for the 17th for the reveal event. Reiko - Rock
Shao Kahn is looking so badass here. I hadn't given the look much thought, but I do like KcinTnarg's idea of it being Armageddon Victory Kahn. That'd be kind of neat.
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