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A powerful artifact once in the possession of Shinnok. After his banishment to the Netherrealm, Raiden took the amulet to the Temple of Elements in the Himalayan mountains. It remained hidden for eons, until Sub-Zero, hired by Quan Chi, was able to defeat the four elemental gods that protected it. Quan Chi then returned the amulet to Shinnok, thus giving him enough power to escape the Netherealm.

After Shinnok's defeat by the Earthrealm warriors, it was revealed that Quan Chi had actually given Shinnok a replica of the amulet, keeping the real one for himself.

In the events of Mortal Kombat: Deception, Onaga was able to retrieve the Amulet, after Raiden performed an ethereal explosion in the hopes of killing the Dragon King, sacrificing himself and supposedly killing Quan Chi in the process.

If the possessor of this amulet obtains the six Kamidogu artifacts, they will have the power to unmake the realms.
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