The second of the three prototype cyber-ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, his last program command was to find and terminate the rogue ninja Sub Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax went undetected by Shao Kahn and remained a possible threat against his occupation of Earth. He was captured by Sub-Zero and reprogrammed with new orders to destroy Shao Kahn.
After Kahn's defeat by Liu Kang, Cyrax awaited new orders from the Lin Kuei. The orders never came and Cyrax malfunctioned. He ended up stranded in the middle of the desert, blindly heading back toward his base. He was later found by the Outerworld Investigation Agency, led by Sonya and Jax, who reprogrammed him to fight against Shinnok's forces.
After Shinnok's defeat, Sonya and Jax restored Cyrax's soul. In return for their help, he joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency. Cyrax's arm console has been upgraded to include an inter-realm beacon that can communicate with portals in Earthrealm. By activating the console, he can return to the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency.
On his last transport to Outworld, Reptile ambushed Cyrax. His arm console was damaged in the struggle, and with it his Inter-Realm Portal Technology. He defeated the Reptile, but would have to find some other means to return to Earthrealm. The vampire Nitara had special plans for the cyborg as she tried to reach the orb which bound her to Outworld. It was located in the depths of the Lava Shrine, where the last Great Dragon Egg was incubating. The enormous heat and pressure of the lava burned out Cyrax's sensors almost immediately. He cast about blindly in the infernal pit, searching for the orb Nitara had sent him to locate. Cyrax found it resting upon a small submerged pedestal beneath the molten depths.
As soon as he clambered to the surface, she demanded he hand over the Orb. Nitara had promised to return Cyrax to Earthrealm once the orb had been retrieved. Taking her necklace in hand, she uttered a mystical incantation. A swirling portal opened around Cyrax and he only had time for a solemn bow before he was swept in.
In Cyrax's Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ending, he defeats Blaze and is filled with elemental power that shatters his robot form and makes him human once again. Siding with Sub-Zero, he defeats Sektor and Smoke. Sektor and Smoke are reprogrammed by the Lin Kuei and are held until they too regain their human forms.
Real Name:
Real Name: Unit LK-4D4
Alignment: Good
Mortal Kombat 3

Cyrax is unit LK-4D4, The second of three prototype Cybernetic Ninjas built by the Lin Kuei. Like his counterparts, his last program is to find and terminate the rouge ninja Sub-Zero. Without a soul, Cyrax goes undetected by Shao Kahn and remains a possible threat against his occupation of Earth.
Mortal Kombat Gold

Cyrax is finally rescued from his desert prison by the Lin Kuei. The physical damage sustained while in the desert was relatively easy to repair, but Cyrax seems very different from when he first set out on his original assassination mission against Sub-Zero. Only time will tell how well Cyrax has overcome his ordeal.
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

The cyborg ninja Cyrax had regained his soul with the aid of Special Forces agents Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs. In return for their help, he joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and become a scout in the realm of Outworld. On his last transport to that realm, Cyrax was ambushed by a reptilian creature. His arm console was damaged in the struggle and with it his Inter-realm portal technology. He defeated the creature, but will have to find some other means to return to Earthrealm.
A vampire named Nitara offered Cyrax a deal to return him to Earthrealm if he retrieved for her an object from the molten depths of Outworld. His cybernetic exterior was resistant to the harsh environment in which the object was hidden, but only for a short period of time. It was risky proposition, but it was one that Cyrax was willing to take to return to Earth. Although he did not fully trust Nitara, he agreed to travel with her to the location of the mysterious object.
Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition

The cyborg ninja Cyrax had regained his soul with the aid of Special Forces agents Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs. In return for their help, he joined the Special Forces Outerworld Investigation Agency and become a scout in the realm of Outworld. On his last transport to that realm, Cyrax was ambushed by a reptilian creature. His arm console was damaged in the struggle and with it his Inter-realm portal technology. He defeated the creature, but will have to find some other means to return to Earthrealm.
Mortal Kombat (2011)

A skilled Motswana warrior, Cyrax relies on his natural fighting ability, his chi, to carry out Lin Kuei missions. He is proud to serve, but when the Grand Master initiates a program to convert the clan into cyborgs, Cyrax resists. He is reluctant to lose his humanity, which he believes is more effective than any mechanical augmentation. He has contemplated leaving the clan, fearing that it is no longer an organization of honorable assassins. Cyrax knows, however, that such a decision means death at the hands of his former comrades. No one leaves the Lin Kuei.
Mortal Kombat 1

Cyrax was born into the Zaki, one of the Lin Kuei's many sub-clans. For generations it has maintained a quiet presence in Niger's Aïr mountains, where it stands ready to defend Earthrealm.
A martial arts prodigy, Cyrax was the youngest Zaki to ever become an active Lin Kuei warrior. That success earned her an invitation to serve directly under Sektor.
Cyrax seized the opportunity with her trademark vigor. But while her skills have endeared her Sektor, her independent streak has not.
Despite Sektor's best efforts to break it, Cyrax's will remains untamed. She will serve the Lin Kuei on her terms, or not at all.
Mortal Kombat 3

Cyrax is captured by Sub-Zero and reprogrammed with new orders: destroy Shao Kahn. With Kahn unable to detect the assassin's soulless presence, Cyrax delivers a successful sneak attack.
But after eliminating Kahn and saving Earth, Cyrax awaits new orders from his Lin Kuei headquarters. The orders never come and Cyrax malfunctions. He ends up stranded in the middle of a vast desert, blindly heading towards his base.
Mortal Kombat Gold

Sonya: Alright Cyrax, all systems are go. Are you sure you want to go through with this? If this fails, we won't be able to recover your main processor.
Jax: We'll lose you for good.
Cyrax: After experiencing the flashbacks in my fight against Shinnok, I realize that my existence is unnecessary unless I can fully recover my human psyche. We must continue.
Jax: Alright then, I'll begin the scanning process. Sonya, you hit the switch on three. Ready?
Jax: One... two... three!
Jax: Okay, power down now.
Sonya: Powering down.
Cyrax: I... I am human. I feel life once again, and I remember everything.. Thank you, so much. I am forever in your debt, I will not return to my Lin Kuei roots as an assassin. I instead choose to fight at your side, for earth.
Jax: Well that's good news.
Sonya: Lets get you out of these harnesses. You've been trapped long enough.
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

The enormous heat and pressure of the lava burned out Cyrax's sensors almost immediately. He cast about blindly in the infernal pit, searching for the orb Nitara had sent him to locate. Cyrax found it resting upon a small submerged pedestal beneath the molten depths. As soon as he clambered to the surface, she demanded he hand over the Orb.
Nitara had promised to return Cyrax to Earthrealm once the orb had been retrieved. Taking her necklace in hand, she uttered a mystical incantation. A swirling portal opened around Cyrax and he only had time for a solemn bow before he was swept into the gateway.
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

When he defeated Blaze, elemental power surged through Cyrax and shattered his cybernetics. He was human once again. He allied with Sub-Zero and with him confronted the cyborgs Smoke and Sektor. In an epic battle of men versus machine, Cyrax and Sub-Zero defeated their longtime foes. The cyborgs will be reprogrammed to serve the Lin Kuei once more, until they too can be reverted to their human forms.
Mortal Kombat (2011)

Though he had pledged his life to the Lin Kuei, Cyrax left the clan to help the Earthrealm heroes turn back Shao Kahn's invasion. For this act of desertion, he was marked for termination by the new Grand Master - Sektor. Surrounded and severely outnumbered, Cyrax prepared to meet his fate when Raiden came to his aid. With him were 100 Shaolin monks. The Lin Kuei were defeated, though Sektor was not counted among the dead. Cyrax was offered sanctuary at the Wu Shi Academy, where he has begun a new life as an honorable warrior for peace.

Human Cyrax from Mortal Kombat (2011)