Mortal Kombat 1
Ashrah made her debut in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Despite her elegant, feminine appearance, she is actually a demon from the Netherrealm. For ages, she served Quan Chi as a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow. However, when she had questioned a command given by the sorcerer, Quan Chi sent Ashrah's own demon sisters to slay her. She was able to elude her would-be assassins, and during her escape, she discovered a mysterious sword called the Kriss, that she believes to be of heavenly origin.

Ashrah soon realized that with each demon she killed with the blade, her spirit became more and more purified, making her presence in the Netherrealm unstable. Eventually, leading to her purge from the realm, itself. She took on a human appearance and allied herself with Shujinko, teaching him useful techniques to slay demons.

During the events of the first Mortal Kombat game, she came into conflict with Ermac, mistaking him for a demon. She attempted to kill Ermac, but lost. She also desired to kill Noob Saibot, whom she considers to be a very powerful demon. In doing so, she believes her purification will be complete, and she will be free from her evil origins, forever.

It is revealed in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon that after killing many demons in the Netherrealm, she is transported to a realm unfamiliar to her, surrounded by beings of light. These beings make Ashrah their chosen warrior, and by wielding the Kriss, she could purify the realms, thus ascending into a angel of light.

Ashrah is then transported to the realm of Vaeternus and begins slaying the vampire race, whom she saw as vile beings. However, she is eventually confronted by Nitara and defeated. After her defeat, she follows Nitara to Edenia in the hopes of defeating Blaze in order to gain enough power to destroy Nitara and the remaining vampires.

In her Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ending, defeating Blaze fully cleanses Ashrah's soul, making her become the very essence of purity. She used this power to purify all evil, most notably, Quan Chi.
Race: DemonHuman
Alignment: Neutral
Fighting Styles:
Fighting Styles: Ba GuaChou Jaio
Weapons Used:
Weapons Used: Kriss
Allies: Shujinko
Enemies: Ermac
Game Bios
I am a demon, a denizen of the Netherrealm. For ages, my sisters and I have blindly served Quan Chi as members of the Brotherhood of Shadow. But I questioned a command given by the sorcerer. To set an example, he set my own sisters to slay me. During my escape, I discovered a weapon - a sword - that seemed to be of heavenly origin. With each demonic assassin that has fallen to this blade, I have felt a strange exhilaration. It is as if the taint of evil is leaving me.

Now I understand the strange sensation I feel when I exterminate a demon of the Netherrealm with this sword. The sword is purifying me as I cleanse the world of evil. With each fiend I eradicate, my presence here becomes more unstable...soon I will be expelled from this realm. If I were to slay a powerful demon such as Noob Saibot, I would finally become an ascending demon, free from the Netherrealm forever.
As a demon, all Ashrah knew was pain and violence. She assumed all beings, in all realms, lived as she did. But once she journeyed outside of the Netherrealm, she realized her error. Other realms were places of beauty and peace.
She could not aid in their defilement.

Ashrah fled from her sister demons. Along the way, she found an enchanted kriss. It was a demon slayer, which she used to finish her pursuers. She was stunned to discover that using the kriss to destroy evil was purifying her soul. And that if she continued to do so, she could free herself from the Netherrealm.

Ashrah senses that her final absolution is near.
Once achieved, she will finally enter the light.
Game Endings
Noob Saibot was not originally a demon, which might explain why Ashrah sensed great evil in him: He had to earn his place in the Netherrealm. He actually desired to remain there. His companion, however, seemed to be having a problem adjusting. Perhaps was some good left in the cyborg. Whatever the case, Noob would have to face Ashrah alone.

Ashrah defeated Noob Saibot and finally earned her ascension from the Netherrealm. But the sword that made her escape possible did not travel with her. I suspect it still remains in the Netherrealm, waiting to release another of its denizens from damnation.
The power of Blaze purified Ashrah completely; she was transformed into a being of divine light. Her radiance soothed even the darkest of souls. With new purpose, she traversed the realms in search of evil, pacifying the wicked. Her mission came full circle when at last she purified the sorcerer who would have her slain: Quan Chi.
Mortal Kombat Deception & Armageddon
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