A - 23 EntriesB - 39 EntriesC - 34 EntriesD - 45 EntriesE - 23 EntriesF - 26 EntriesG - 27 EntriesH - 29 EntriesI - 8 EntriesJ - 21 EntriesK - 68 EntriesL - 36 EntriesM - 64 EntriesN - 29 EntriesO - 21 EntriesP - 26 EntriesQ - 3 EntriesR - 26 EntriesS - 96 EntriesT - 52 EntriesU - 8 EntriesV - 8 EntriesW - 22 EntriesX - 4 EntriesY - 10 EntriesZ - 9 Entries
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Games from the Mortal Kombat franchise.png
Playable kombatants in the Mortal Kombat universe.png
Areas of kombat in the Mortal Kombat universe.png
Fighting Arenas
Various factions, clans, groups, etc..png
People who contributed to development of the Mortal Kombat games.png
Development Team
Various fighting styles used by kombatants.png
Fighting Styles
Various realms, sub-realms, and worlds in the Mortal Kombat universe.png
Realms & Worlds
The various races and species found in the Mortal Kombat universe.png
Various weapons used by kombatants.png
Various locations within the Mortal Kombat universe.png
Mortal Kombat themed movies and shows.png
Characters, places, etc. exclusive to Malibu komic book series.png
Malibu Komics
Various entries that don't fall under any other category.png
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